Primary Classroom

The Spiraled Curriculum
Central to the Montessori approach to learning is the fundamental belief that learning is not linear, but rather in the shape of an upward spiral; wherein, every material and subject in the classroom is interrelated and interconnected.
As the spiral of learning moves upward, or rather as the child interacts with the classroom materials, she strengthens her understanding and appreciation for new concepts and begins to make her own discoveries. Over time, the Montessori child eventually uncovers that learning is endless and infinite, and through this process, she transforms into a lifelong learner and inquirer.
“The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.” – Albert Einstein
In Montessori, the prepared environment, or classroom, is often referred to as the “third teacher”: children not only learn through their interactions with their friends and teachers, but also by interacting with the materials in the classroom. Everything in a Montessori classroom is designed to fit the needs of the children who use it, from the child-sized furniture and toilets to the plants and artwork. A Philly Montessori classroom is simple, beautiful, accessible, and organized.
One of the most unique aspects of a Montessori classroom are the scientifically designed self-correcting materials. The materials in Philly Montessori classrooms are displayed on open shelves and grouped into eight major curriculum areas: Art, Practical Life, Sensorial, Math, Language, Cultural, Science, and Peace Education. To delve deeper into each individual curricular area explore each of our blog posts written by our founder and lead teacher, Sheila Akhavein:
The Philly Montessori curriculum is rounded out with daily group meetings, story times, and gross motor play. Art and music are embedded throughout the classroom, and are further reinforced through weekly classes with Art and Music specialists. Our students have opportunities to participate in before or after school enrichment activities such as soccer, foreign language, and cooking.